Top Audit Terms You Must Know! Audit Programme, Preparation For Conducting Audit (Series 8)

Auditing is nothing but the systematic and critical examination and verification of the books of accounts. It can be undertaken throughout the year or periodically.
The primary aim is to find out whether the financial statements exhibit a true and fair view of the business.
An audit program is the auditor’s plan of action in a written form or a document.

Top Audit Terms You Must Know! Audit, Test Checking, Audit Work Papers (Series 7)

Auditing is nothing but the systematic and critical examination and verification of the books of accounts. It can be undertaken throughout the year or periodically.
The primary aim is to find out whether the financial statements exhibit a true and fair view of the business.

Top Financial Terms You Must Know! Corporate Finance, Tax, Insurance (Series 2)

By understanding various financial terms and the mechanism in which it functions, one can reach great heights. Finance is a vast subject which has several branches.

Top Stock Exchange Terms You Must Know

The stock market or the stock exchange plays an integral role in the functioning and development of the economy. It is an important parameter to measure or ascertain the growth of a country. It helps to channelize the savings to better avenues and leads to capital formation. Lets understand the various terminologies in context to … Read more

Errors And Frauds In Accounting: Meaning, Types, Risks, Prevention

Errors take place as a result of negligence or lack of knowledge or ignorance of the principles of the books of accounts whereas frauds refer to intentional misrepresentation of financial information by persons in the management. Frauds are committed intentionally for achieving some alterior motive.